The number on the butt may be drilled thru by the factory for installation of a lanyard swivel but is re-stamped on the grip frame, under the left stock. And the 32 Transitional Targets from 1957). 38 S&W Regulation Police pre Model of 1953 I frames. *NOTE: The one TRUE place you can be sure of reading the original serial number for all Hand Ejectors of any vintage with stamped numbers, (which includes any letter prefixed #s after WW II,) is the BUTT of the gun, (or front grip strap on non-round butt. Mid-lock cam plate – “Triple Locks” only, in any caliber (up to all 5 digits).
Right stock only*** - on back, (except most post war target grips because individual fitting not required.) Stamped, scratched or penciled depending on vintage and stock material.ħ. Yoke - on rear face only visible thru a chamber with a flashlight**Ħ. Gun butt* - or forestrap* on I frames/single shots with grips that cover the buttĢ.ěarrel - bottom of barrel or in extractor shroudģ. NOTE: Observing serial #s for accuracy or even existence, especially on penciled stocks, requires magnification, bright light, cleaning, and an attitude that it is there!ġ. Here are the 6 (or 7 on Triple Locks) pre war fixed sight frame serial # locations which are also the locations remaining after WW II thru ~1956 to look for (not including the 3 stamped serial # locations on pre war style target sights for pre war models, and early post war Transitional models, see below):